Moonah Links Team Has Delivered ANZAC Biscuits To Public Service Departments
Moonah Links Team has delivered ANZAC Biscuits to Rosebud Police Station, Rosebud CFA, and Rosebud Hospital on ANZAC Day 2021 as modest gifts expressing our gratitude to the first responders in the frontline.
The courage and wisdom of ANZACs have been deeply rooted in the national character of our country. With over a century’s development since the heroic landing on Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915, the ANZAC Day has been enriched with modern meanings. It becomes a great opportunity for us to express our gratitude to those who have served this country and its people.
Our first responders have made an outstanding contribution in controlling the spread of the deadly Covid-19 virus in the past year. We are getting our normal lives back thanks to their dedication and sacrifice. We know for sure from them that the ANZAC spirit of courage and wisdom is living and will always live with us. Their efforts in serving the community should be recognized by all of us.
They look after this country; we will look after them. On the ANZAC Day 2021, Peppers Moonah Links Resort has prepared 40 serves of house-made Anzac Biscuits as modest gifts for the first responders in our local region.
Following the traditional recipe with golden syrup and Uncle Toby’s, our freshly baked ANZAC biscuits were chewy and delicious – and turned out to be the favourite of the first responders from Rosebud Hospital, Rosebud CFA and Rosebud Police Station. Our General Manager, Hotel Operations Manager and Golf Operations Manager have delivered the ANZAC Biscuits and expressed gratitude on behalf of the Moonah Links Team.
We do appreciate our customers who have joined us on-site and online during the ANZAC Weekend. Our posts and videos on social media platforms have received nearly 200 interactions; The ANZAC Roast Lamb Special at Spike Bar has also become the top-seller. It is our great honour to do the right thing for the community together with you, even it is just a small gesture.